
About USM

Decades of experiance running mass media TV, Press, Radio, Outdoor, Direct Mail, Telemarketing and more recently Omi channel Digital campaigns, proved that the key to success was ‘Quality, Accurate Data’.


Compliance, Accuracy and Value of Data has to be at the heart of the proposition.


Clients are at the ‘Top of their Game’ and the data is omnipresent in the Tracing, AML, Fraud Prevention, Insurance, Finance,Travel, Leisure and Behavioural Modelling Sectors.


These same clients are highly regulated by their respective Regulators and audited  by bodies such as the Direct Marketing Association and are in continual liaison with our team for GDPR, PECR & DPA compliance.


The team are expert in Financial, Insurance, Automotive, On Line Retail, FMCG, Tracing, Travel & Leisure.


The accuracy & depth  of the data allows Precision Targeting which in turn reduces waste and cost of acquisition.